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Planning Board Agenda 03/07/2013
Planning Board
Thursday, March 7, 2013 6:30 PM
Chichester Town Hall


1.      Call to Order

2.      Business Meeting
        a.      Review/Approve Minutes of February 7, 2012

3.      Application Reviews:
        a.      Subdivision: Benjamin and Donna Brown, Map 7 Lot 35-1 located on Bear Hill  and Ferrin Roads
                i.      To subdivide a 7.011 acre parcel on Ferrin Road.

4.      Conceptual Reviews:
        a.      None at time of posting.

5.      Other Discussion:

6.      Other Business
        a.      April 4, 2013 Agenda
        b.      Planning Office Items
        c.      Board Member Items
        d.      Audience Items